Fast and simple bacteria and somatic cell count in one handy instrument - BacSomatic

Fast and simple bacteria and somatic cell count in one handy instrument: Know the hygiene quality of raw milk before you start using it with fast bacteria and somatic cell count in one handy instrument.

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Product Description

Fast and simple bacteria and somatic cell count in one handy instrument

Rapid results for somatic cell count and bacteria count

The method used for measuring bacteria count and somatic cells in raw milk delivers results within nine and a half minutes (or just 1.5 minutes for somatic cell count alone). This method aligns with the established procedures used in FOSS BactoScan™ and Fossomatic™ analysers, widely recognized in raw milk testing centers around the world.

Flow system

A unique flow system channels the sample to either a bacteria incubator or a somatic cell mixing chamber, where cells are stained and then measured using a laser source. Two distinct laser intensities are employed depending on whether somatic cell count or bacteria count is being performed.

Automated reagent dosage and handling

The automated procedure ensures precise reagent dosage with every test, eliminating the need for manual mixing. The reagent bag system allows for safe, contact-free handling of reagents. Ready-to-use reagent bags are placed directly into the instrument, enabling you to begin testing immediately.

Fast and simple bacteria and somatic cell count in one handy instrument