
The DairyScan™ enables fast and accurate cheese analysis for efficient cheese production, providing quick fat and moisture testing in just 45 seconds. It is ideal for smaller dairies producing less than 7,000 tonnes of cheese per year.

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Product Description


Fast and Accurate Cheese Analysis for Efficient Cheese Production

The DairyScan offers fast and accurate fat and moisture testing within your cheese production process, providing results in just 45 seconds. This advanced testing tool is perfect for smaller dairies producing less than 7,000 tonnes of cheese per year. It streamlines the analysis process, allowing busy producers to optimize efficiency and maintain high-quality standards.

How Easy It Is

  1. Place prepared sample in a sample holder: The process starts with placing the prepared cheese sample in the designated sample holder of the DairyScan™ unit.
  2. Select product: Once the sample is placed, you select the specific type of product or cheese to be tested from the pre-loaded options.
  3. Press Start: Initiate the analysis by pressing the start button. The machine will then begin testing the sample.
  4. Results in 45 seconds: In just 45 seconds, you receive fast and accurate results that inform you about the moisture and fat content of the cheese.

Faster Alternative to Traditional Methods

A test with the DairyScan™ takes only 45 seconds, providing a much faster alternative to traditional testing methods. These traditional methods can take up to 20 hours for moisture analysis, causing delays and potential inefficiencies in the production process.

The speed and accuracy of the DairyScan™ allow producers to identify out-of-spec production early, preventing it from impacting yield and product quality. This proactive approach contributes to overall efficiency and profitability in cheese production.

Easy Start-Up with Readymade Global ANN Calibrations

The DairyScan™ features artificial neural network (ANN) calibrations, making it a “plug & play” solution that is ready to use immediately. This convenience eliminates the need to gather extensive samples typically required for a standard partial least squares (PLS) calibration.

The ANN calibration covers nearly all types of cheese, making the DairyScan™ a versatile tool suitable for various cheese production processes. The ease of start-up ensures that even operators with minimal experience can begin using the system quickly and efficiently.

Enhanced Quality Control and Efficiency

By providing fast and accurate results, the DairyScan™ supports enhanced quality control throughout the cheese production process. Its quick turnaround time empowers producers to take swift corrective actions when needed, ensuring consistent product quality.

The system also aids in reducing waste by identifying potential issues before they impact production. This proactive approach not only conserves resources but also helps maintain a higher yield, positively impacting profitability.

Real-Time Decision Making

The speed and precision of the DairyScan™ allow producers to make real-time decisions based on the analysis results. This real-time insight enhances operational efficiency and enables producers to adapt their production processes quickly to changing conditions.

The ability to access accurate data in real-time also supports better resource allocation, as producers can focus on optimizing processes that yield the highest quality and efficiency.


In conclusion, the DairyScan™ offers fast and accurate cheese analysis for efficient cheese production. Its easy-to-use interface and rapid testing capabilities make it an invaluable tool for small to medium-sized dairies looking to streamline their production process and maintain high-quality standards.

The DairyScan™ is an advanced solution that allows producers to make timely decisions, optimize production, and ensure consistent quality in their cheese products. By leveraging the speed and accuracy of this innovative system, cheese producers can stay ahead of industry demands and achieve long-term success.

The benefits extend beyond immediate productivity gains. By integrating the DairyScan™ into their operations, producers also contribute to more sustainable practices by minimizing waste, reducing resource use, and ensuring efficient processes. In today’s competitive market, such a comprehensive approach is key to establishing a thriving and sustainable cheese production business with a strong competitive edge.
