foss kjeltec tm 9 analyser fully automated kjeldahl analyzer

Fully automated Kjeldahl with Autosampler for Kjeltec 9

The FOSS Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser fully automated Kjeldahl analyzer provides an advanced approach to Kjeldahl analysis with enhanced digital capabilities. Experience fast turnaround time, improved data handling, and reduced risk of human error for precise and reliable results.

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Size: 50cm x 48cm x 76cm (LxWxH)
Weight: 53 kg

Product Description

FOSS Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser fully automated Kjeldahl analyzer

Unmatched Accuracy with Colorimetric Titration

The FOSS Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser fully automated Kjeldahl analyzer combines classical colorimetric titration with advanced technology, such as automatic LED calibration and automatic end-point color detection. This ensures that results are consistently accurate, with stable performance over time.

Reliable and Fast Analysis

The automatic end-point color feature, paired with auto mode, enables each analysis to be conducted quickly and reliably. The new titration controller guarantees the correct end-point is reached consistently throughout the distillation process, contributing to the unmatched accuracy of the Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser.

Safe and Easy Operations

Reduce the training and staffing burden typically associated with managing chemical analysis operations and stop worrying about safety procedures. The Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser is designed for ease of use and provides new levels of automation to save operator time and enhance safety.

User Protection and Risk Reduction

Operators are fully protected by the unique safety door, which must be closed with a tube in place before the unit will operate. FOSS-pioneered SAfE mode* reduces the risk of chemical spillage, featuring smart filling of reagents and minimal cleaning and maintenance for the operator.

*Steam Addition for Equilibration

Set Up ‘Alerts and Notifications’ to Avoid Downtime

Configure the Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser to provide staff with real-time notifications in the event of errors. The optional service, ‘Alerts and Notifications,’ offers real-time updates on instrument or Autosampler errors via email or text message. This helps avoid downtime and allows staff to perform other tasks while analysis is underway.

Accurate Results and Easy Data Handling

Accurate data handling begins with registration and configuration of sample batches. Using the optional Kjeltec Registration PC software, this data is transferred seamlessly to your Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser. Simply scan the sample ID on incoming samples to register and configure sample batches, and determine the appropriate test program.

New Levels of Integration with Indirect Methods

A key challenge facing laboratories today is the lack of precise information regarding expected values for fat, protein, and moisture in incoming samples. This can lead to inefficiencies and increased operational costs during reference analysis. Integrating indirect methods during the sample preparation phase helps to eliminate this guesswork, streamlining the analysis process and yielding more reliable results.

Advantages of Indirect Methods

The integration of near infrared (NIR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) technologies allows for the screening of samples to estimate expected values for key components. This pre-screening helps guide the selection of the most appropriate reference method for subsequent analysis.

Using NIR or FTIR also provides a broader overview of sample composition, enabling laboratory personnel to make more informed decisions regarding the next steps in the analysis. As a result, the entire process becomes more efficient and effective.

Indirect methods offer several benefits, including the ability to identify potential outliers or inconsistencies in samples before engaging in more labor-intensive reference analysis. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of costly re-runs and ensures a higher level of accuracy.

By utilizing indirect methods, laboratories can reduce chemical usage and waste, aligning with sustainability goals and minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the efficiency gains translate into significant time and cost savings, making this approach an essential part of modern analytical workflows.foss kjeltec tm 9 analyser fully automated kjeldahl analyzer


The FOSS Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser fully automated Kjeldahl analyzer represents a significant leap forward in chemical analysis, offering unmatched accuracy through its colorimetric titration and advanced features. Its commitment to safe and easy operations, paired with the ability to integrate indirect methods, makes it an indispensable tool for modern laboratories.

By offering reliable and efficient performance, reduced risk of errors, and seamless data handling, the Kjeltec TM 9 Analyser empowers laboratories to achieve high-quality results consistently. The system’s advanced technology and versatile applications establish it as an exceptional choice for a wide range of analytical needs.