A sleek, modern PCR machine with a metallic and blue finish. It has a digital display and various controls on the right side with an opening that possibly holds samples or reagents. The overall design is streamlined and professional, ensuring both high performance and cost-effectiveness in laboratory equipment.

“MilkoScan™ FT3 – milk analyzer for incoming milk and milk standardization”

The MilkoScan™ FT3 offers a new, intelligent approach to the analysis of dairy and plant-based drinks. It provides the power to test a wide variety of liquid and semi-solid products with exceptional uptime and unprecedented consistency of results.

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Product Description

“MilkoScan™ FT3 – milk analyzer for incoming milk and milk standardization”

Always standardised and no more instrument drift

MilkoScan™ FT3 introduces a new patented automatic standardization process that runs every two hours, eliminating instrument drift and ensuring consistent results over time. This smart automation reduces the need for frequent and time-consuming checks and chemical reagents, significantly cutting down on costly reference analyses.

Smart flow system handles many products

MilkoScan™ FT3 is designed for accurate testing of any liquid or semi-solid dairy product, including chocolate milk, drinking yoghurt, WPC, plant-based drinks, and more. Its smart flow system recognizes and adjusts to each sample, delivering results in as little as 30 seconds, depending on the product type. This efficiency leads to immediate gains in production through rapid access to crucial quality control data across a variety of samples.

Intelligent troubleshooting

MilkoScan™ FT3’s advanced self-diagnostic system continuously monitors the condition of all vital components, offering fast and easy troubleshooting. The system automatically notifies operators if maintenance is required, allowing issues to be resolved quickly before they escalate.

Manage multiple instruments in a network

With MilkoScan™ FT3, you can trust that all instruments within a network measure the same, enabling a master-satellite setup where a master instrument keeps networked instruments updated. This simplifies calibration model maintenance and result validation, reducing the workload.

Rapid screening of abnormalities and adulterants

MilkoScan™ FT3 provides comprehensive, accurate screening of your milk in just 30 seconds using targeted or untargeted models. Adulteration screening is seamlessly integrated into the platform’s quality testing, helping to enhance milk quality and ensure food safety. Detect deliberate or accidental adulteration during routine quality control tests for better oversight and control.

MilkoScan™ FT3
MilkoScan™ FT3 – milk analyzer for incoming milk and milk standardization